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Helping Others Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle While We Live Ours

Thursday, October 20, 2011

V100 Training

So......... you want to pack on the muscle?  Here is your blueprint.  I have never seen an individual not pack on substantial amounts of LBM doing this program.  Value - increase your metabolism, be able to eat more and not pack on fat, feed off unwanted fat, gain strength and performance.  Reason:  You are hitting lactic acid each set, which is the main trigger for testosterone and growth hormone release.  Have fun but be safe!

V100 Challenge
I started the challenge while teaching at the University of Oregon.  It was created to come up with a measuring tool to gauge muscular strength, endurance and power relative to an individual’s body weight.  You are tested on one push (bench press), one pull (pull ups) and one squat (back squat).  You have 30 minutes to perform 100 repetitions (at your body weight) in each lift.  90 minutes total.

V100 Workout Program
You will perform a V100 workout 3 or 4 times per week.  Pushes will be grouped, pulls will be grouped and squats will be grouped.  Depending on how you group exercises a core day, a shoulder day, and an arm day may be separate.  That depends on your frequency and program design.  Also, the program gets the best results if you include intervals training intertwined within workouts (icing on the cake) and two separate days of the week devoted specifically for intervals.

Begin by estimating a 20 RM weight.  Perform your first set.   You should be at 20.  Rest between 30 seconds and 1 minute.  Repeat a set until failure or you reach 20 reps.   Remain at that weight and repeat sets until you reach the ultimate finish line of 100 total reps.   This is performed for every exercise. 

Keys:  You need to choose your 20 RM weight.  You should not reach 100 reps in 5 sets of 20.  Should take many weeks to build up to that fitness level.  You should begin to fail and perform sets in lesser reps than 20.  Just make sure to reach failure.  This will lead to H+ accumulation, which is the stimulus for testosterone production and growth hormone secretions.  As we know those are both anabolic agents. 

Choose 3-5 lifts for each workout.  You should be taxed each day.

One exception: for the pull up training day.   Most cannot do 20.  So begin with a lesser amount and if you cannot do pull ups begin on assisted pull ups.  Throughout the weeks add reps or take off assisted weight.  On all other exercises begin at your 20 RM weight.

After weeks of performing the program you will begin to increase your set reps. Once you reach 5 sets of 20 it is time to increase weight.

Remember to eat enough and get good sleep.  Both needed for hypertrophic adaptations. 

January Enrollment Open

There is no better time to start working towards your new career than this New Year.  NPTI of Portland is now excepting winter enrollments.  Limited space is available.  Come in a see why we are the national leader in personal training and fitness schools.

For more information please visit www.nptifitness.com.  Or contact the NPTI of Portland Director, Arik Wiest, at 541.915.5875,  ArikWiest@nptifitness.com