Everybody is different, so we are EveryBodies Health

Helping Others Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle While We Live Ours

EveryBodies Health

Weight Management and Metabolism

As long as your home's kitchen sink is up to building code and is working efficiently, you should be able to leave your faucet on maximum force and not worry about your sink overflowing.  The rate of which water is dispensed from the faucet into the sink should be cleared down the drain before any accumulations.  I like to think of the human body, physiology, metabolism and weight management in this context.  For the most part, humans should be able to maintain an ideal weight for their optimal levels of health.  However, just as grease and soot may clog your kitchen sink and drain, certain lifestyle choices or physiological inefficiencies can clog our drains and require a clearing.  Some of these choices may lead to a quick clog and some may be a slower build up.

Often we hear that we need to stop eating as much or start exercising more when maintaining a desired weight becomes a challenge.  People suffering from weight management issues are automatically labelled as over eaters or lazy.  If we associate this judgement in respect to the kitchen sink, we simply conclude that the person is forcing more water than the drainage can handle.  The suggestions are to turn the water flow down (decrease caloric intake), or start bailing water out of the sink (burning calories).  Much easier said than done.  Both of these options are problematic in that they are not always sustainable.  Think of being in a chronic state of famine or having to bail water every moment of the day.   Most likely there is a point in time that the program fails.  Calorically restrictive diets famously do not last.  And often new workout plans fail.  These are very hard life changes and understandably are hard to maintain.  

What if there was another thought process?  One that was based on training smarter rather than harder.  How about instead of looking at the symptom we look about the cause?  One that was geared towards not holding someone accountable but granting them capable.  One that didn't create a dependency but a empowerment.  What if, instead of the unsustainable changes of famine and burning high amounts of calories, we simply restore the drain and plumbing back to building code and efficiency.  Think of your home kitchen sink just after a new professional cleaning.  You can increase the water flow and drain water with no build up once again.  Its like the unit is brand new again.  What factors in our lives determine the efficiency of our drainage systems? 

We need to investigate:
  • Food choices and the availability and timing of food and water
  • Hormones - (peri)menopause or (peri)andropause, age, pregnancy
  • Stress Coping
  • Sleep habits
  • Gastrointestinal health and your exhaust systems
  • Internal and external support casts, social groups, relationships
  • Activity levels and lifestyle choices

Environment and toxins

Every person has their own recipe for successful weight management.  Some can accomplish their ideal weight by simply increasing calories burned.  Some people can accomplish their ideal weight by simply decreasing calories consumed.  Many struggle with these.  The problem with both of these caloric deficit strategies are that they are going to require great will power, since we are simply focusing on short term fixes, rather than correcting the cause.  Stop working harder and begin to work smarter.  Unclog your drain you will help create a sustainable weight management strategy.  The important factor in unclogging the drain is that is it focusing on the cause, rather than a symptom.  It empowers rather than creates a dependency.  It is sustainable rather than unsustainable.  You are capable rather than needed accountability and will power.

An understanding of people is crucial in growing your business.  Many times business starters have great ideas, passion and an audience but the ball doesn't get rolling.  Often this failure is a shock, seen as bad luck, and unavoidable.  If you understand people and thought, you will be much more successful in creating lasting relationships not only in business, but family, friends, peers, mentors.  If you implement these tools positive change will invite itself into your career and life.

Fitness Consultation for the Fitness Business Sector.  EveryBodies Health will help your business establish a proactive environment that yields success.

  • Establish your brand
  • Grow your network
  • Generate referrals and a community buzz
  • Promote and empower your fitness staff - leant how to set up a successful plan
  • Learn how to build the correct engine for the race
  • Get results - understand how to make science work for you
Learn to attract and not react.  

Contact Arik Wiest for further information.  ArikWiest@nptifitness.com 541.915.5875